AI-Powered Lead Discovery

Find your customers in seconds with AI

LeaduxAI automates lead research and outreach, letting you focus on what matters most - closing deals.

Human 1
Human 2
Human 3
Human 4
Human 4
Trusted by 50+ sales teams

Trusted by industry leaders

Hours Reclaimed Monthly
Higher Engagement Rate
Faster Lead Generation
Lead Quality Boost

Drowning in Manual Lead Research?

Your sales team is buried in repetitive tasks, spending countless hours researching leads and crafting individual emails. This inefficiency is costing you valuable opportunities and revenue. LeaduxAI automates lead discovery, outreach, and follow-ups, so you can focus on closing deals and growing your business.

AI Lead Discovery

LeaduxAI tirelessly scours the web, finding high-quality leads for your business around the clock. It's like having a dedicated team of researchers working 24/7.

Hyper-Personalized Outreach

LeaduxAI crafts and sends personalized cold emails based on each lead's digital footprint that are proven to get results, increasing your chances of conversion.

Automated Campaign Management

Set it and forget it. LeaduxAI orchestrates entire outreach campaigns, from initial contact to follow-ups, freeing your team to focus on closing deals.


Unleash Personalized Outreach at Scale

Transform your lead generation with AI-powered personalization that resonates with each prospect, filling your pipeline with qualified leads.

  • AI-Crafted Custom Content
  • Unique messages for each prospect based on their digital footprint.

  • End-to-End Campaign Automation
  • From first touch to follow-up, all personalized and timed by AI.

  • Emotion-Driven Engagement
  • AI-generated copy that connects with decision-makers on a personal level.

Smart Lead Generation

Discover Perfect-Fit Prospects in Seconds

LeaduxAI dives deep into your business DNA, analyzing your website and objectives to hunt for leads that truly matter.

  • Instant Business Insight
  • AI scans your website to understand your offerings and target market.

  • Custom Lead Lists
  • Generate highly relevant prospect lists aligned with your unique value proposition.

  • Objective-Driven Prospecting
  • Generate leads that align with your specific business goals.

  • Quality Over Quantity
  • Receive a curated list of high-potential leads ready for engagement.

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From Tech Startups to Artisanal Bakeries, We've Got You Covered

Discover Prime Prospects in Every Niche

LeaduxAI breaks through industry barriers, uncovering high-quality leads tailored to your specific niche and business needs.

  • Niche-Agnostic AI
  • Our intelligent system adapts to any industry, from tech startups to local services.

  • Cross-Industry Insights
  • Leverage unexpected connections to find leads in overlooked places.

  • Custom Criteria Matching
  • Pinpoint leads that fit even the most specific buyer personas.

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Unified AI-Powered Inbox


Unibox brings together all your AI-generated outreach and responses in a single, intuitive interface. Manage your entire lead communication process efficiently, from initial contact to follow-ups. Instantly reply to incoming lead responses directly from Unibox.


Discover the right plan for you

Simple pricing for everyone. Get started for free, no credit card required.

Monthly Yearly (save 20%)
0$ /month
  • 1 campaign
  • 100 monthly active leads
  • 300 AI emails/month
  • Export leads
  • Community Support
35$ /month
  • 3 campaigns
  • 1,000 monthly active leads
  • 3,000 AI emails/month
  • Export leads
  • Standard support
99$ /month
  • 5 campaigns
  • 5,000 monthly active leads
  • 15,000 AI emails/month
  • Export leads
  • Priority support
  • AI phone callscoming soon
499$ /month
  • 50 campaigns
  • 30,000 monthly active leads
  • 90,000 AI emails/month
  • Export leads
  • Premium support
  • Domain warm-up
  • Custom integrations
  • Intelligent buying intent signals coming soon
  • AI phone callscoming soon

Have a question?

We've got answers. We believe in transparency. If you can't find what you're looking for, our support team is always ready to provide personalized answers to your unique questions.


LeaduxAI utilizes a team of specialized AI agents to streamline the lead generation process. Our primary agent analyzes your business objectives and target audience. Secondary agents then scour the internet for potential leads, while others verify contact information and craft personalized outreach messages. Finally, our engagement agents manage the email campaigns and analyze responses, continuously learning and optimizing the process.

LeaduxAI scours various online platforms, analyzing user behavior, content interactions, and professional profiles to identify individuals who match your ideal customer profile and show signs of interest in your product or service.

Yes, LeaduxAI is fully compliant with GDPR, CCPA, and other major data privacy regulations. We only collect and use publicly available information and adhere to strict data protection practices.

While results can vary, most clients start seeing increased engagement within the first 2-4 weeks of launching their campaigns.

Highly personalized. LeaduxAI analyzes each prospect's online presence, recent activities, and interests to craft unique, relevant messages that resonate on a personal level.

LeaduxAI is designed to be versatile and effective across various industries. However, we've seen particularly strong results in B2B sectors such as SaaS, professional services, finance, and technology. LeaduxAI adapts quickly to niche markets, making it valuable for both broad and specialized industries.

We use advanced email verification techniques, maintain sender reputation, and adhere to best practices in email marketing to ensure high deliverability rates.
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